"Living loved" is a phrase Wayne Jacobsen uses frequently, and it's powerful when you get it. Watch the following videos about Wayne's journey and you'll understand why.
Check out more on Wayne at: www.lifestream.org
Jackassery & other Rants |\/| The writings of M. C. Lang
"Living loved" is a phrase Wayne Jacobsen uses frequently, and it's powerful when you get it. Watch the following videos about Wayne's journey and you'll understand why.
Check out more on Wayne at: www.lifestream.org
Part 1 of a two-part interview with Wayne Jacobsen about his journey and thoughts regarding the church in our world.
I visited the soapbox known as Facebook the other day, and the sermon du jour stuck out like a sore thumb. It was one of those preachy posters with a schmaltzy saying that supposedly sounds wise. I would say I detest those motivational posters—the graffiti of the internet—except that some of the best humor is created by mocking them. In any case, the poster said this:
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