… The usual plaudits were exchanged in the Facebook echo chamber, but I felt queazy. My friend is a follower of Jesus. I know him well, and I know he loves God. But this?
Read moreSexuality & Intimacy
A decent summary of our culture's problem with sex and intimacy:
A Different Perspective
“There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery…Too many end in suicide.”
In the tumultuous wake of Bruce Jenner's recent interview about being transgendered, I think it is important to consider other perspectives. I may eventually write about the issue of being made in God's image, and what that means for gender and sexuality, but for now I'm adding links to two articles from a former transgendered person, because the media and popular culture have been so quick to ignore the costs in their rush to celebrate the advancement of agendas.
Here is an article from The Public Discourse about the surprising history of sex change surgery