The pattern is something like this: God stirs a heart to be free from a particular slavery (the slavery to greed, fear, legalistic religion, etc. etc.). Then God does the obviously logical thing and antagonizes the captor enforcing that slavery; I mean He really really pisses the captor off so that things get much much worse for the captive (that would be you and I). If you want a mental picture of this, just imagine God winging bucket upon bucket of manure at an active high-powered wind turbine.
Read moreAddictive Tech
Here is an interesting read on the gaming industry, and how technology companies use similar strategies. Makes you ponder how technology is reshaping our lives.
The Lies of Love: #1 Facebook Wisdom
I visited the soapbox known as Facebook the other day, and the sermon du jour stuck out like a sore thumb. It was one of those preachy posters with a schmaltzy saying that supposedly sounds wise. I would say I detest those motivational posters—the graffiti of the internet—except that some of the best humor is created by mocking them. In any case, the poster said this:
Read moreA Different Perspective
“There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery…Too many end in suicide.”
In the tumultuous wake of Bruce Jenner's recent interview about being transgendered, I think it is important to consider other perspectives. I may eventually write about the issue of being made in God's image, and what that means for gender and sexuality, but for now I'm adding links to two articles from a former transgendered person, because the media and popular culture have been so quick to ignore the costs in their rush to celebrate the advancement of agendas.
Here is an article from The Public Discourse about the surprising history of sex change surgery
Don't Get Pithy With Me: Jesus the Idea
Christianity as an ideology is in competition with other ideologies in the world. Christianity as a growing daily interaction with Jesus has no such problem.
Image Credt: Find The Idea by Khalid Albaih || Creative Commons Attribution
God Use Me
“I just want God to use me for great things!”
“Friend, let me ask you, do you enter into any other relationship, just hoping the other party will use you?”
“No, when you put it that way, it sounds a bit odd.”
“Then, why do you want God to use you?”
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